It is quite extraordinary how much we depend on our cars for day-to-day functioning, and while losing your car keys is already a stressful situation, the only thing worse is not having a spare. However, if you ever find yourself caught up in this nightmare, it is important to know that you do not need to put your whole life on pause or empty your wallet over your lost keys either.
Mobile Locksmith, believe it or not, is able to rekey car locks by having a copy of your car key made without needing the original, and without you needing to break the bank.
Top Rated Locksmith | License Number: HCLOC19001
Table of Contents
What Does it Mean to Rekey a Car?
Like a car can’t run without petrol, it also can’t run without your keys, and sadly, every once in a while, your keys can go missing, get locked inside of your car, or in the worst-case scenario, are stolen. This is usually when you would reach out to a locksmith who will be able to tell you whether or not they can “Rekey” your car door lock or, in simpler terms, provide you with a replacement car key.
Reasons Why You Should Rekey Your Car
Sometimes, you may even need to rekey your car even when your keys are not missing, for instance, if you are having issues with your locks or the ignition, if your locks are damaged, or if your car was stolen.
Different Types of Car Rekeying
What’s more is that different cars obviously come with different types of car keys. Mobile Locksmith is an experienced locksmith who recognizes as many as six different types of car keys; these are namely:
- VAT keys
- Smart car keys
- Valet keys
- Laser-cut car keys
- Transponder keys
- Mechanically cut keys
How to Rekey a Car
As much as you believe that you can rekey a car yourself, at some point, you are most likely going to need the help of a locksmith. The process to rekey a car has been outlined below, so you can better understand why you may require professional services along the way.
Irrespective of whether you are trying to rekey your ignition or your car door lock, the process remains superficially similar:
- Evaluation
- Removal
- Rekeying
- New Key
How Much Does It Cost to Rekey a Car?
It is a common belief that if you can rekey a car yourself, then you are saving money. However, the truth is that the cost to rekey a car is reduced when you ensure that the work is done right the first time around by letting a professional rekey your car. Better yet, you are also saving on time, hassle, and peace of mind.
Benefits of Using a Locksmith to Rekey a Car
When you look to Mobile Locksmith as the provider of your auto locksmith services for your car lock and key problems, you are reaping the following benefits:
- A licensed and insured locksmith with outstanding customer reviews
- The offering of instant services and availability around-the-clock
- Provision of expert locksmith advice that serves your best interest
- Have all the necessary tools for the job, and
- Provide key replacement and many other specialized services
Our Car Rekeying Service Is Available At
Mobile Locksmith Car Rekey Service Area
If these benefits are to your liking, and you live in the following areas:
Then Locksmith is the auto locksmith for you.
Mobile Locksmith – The Best Car Rekey Service Near Me
Car owners that are interested in learning more about Mobile Locksmith’s automotive rekeying services or are wanting affordable, reliable, and high-quality rekeying can reach these professionals at (855) 2222-660 today.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why Should I Use a Locksmith to Rekey a Car?
The best and fastest way to replace the car keys you have lost is to use an Auto Locksmith like Mobile Locksmith because it is an expert with car keys and will be able to provide you with a replacement set for any vehicle – car, motorbike, van, scooter, truck – that you have.
Do I Need My Original Key?
No, it is possible to rekey a car without needing your original keys. Locksmiths are able to provide anyone who has lost their car keys with a replacement and will reprogram the new car key so that the keys match their vehicle. In the case where a person’s car keys have been stolen, the old key will be de-programmed, rendering it useless.
Can a Locksmith Rekey Car Locks Without the Original Key?
An experienced auto locksmith, like Mobile Locksmith, can make a replacement key for your vehicle even if you don’t have your original car key. Regardless of where you are or the type of vehicle you drive, the locksmith services of a skilled professional extend to trucks, vans, caravans, motorcycles, and scooters as well.
Can a Locksmith Program My Transponder Key?
Logically put, a person cannot program their new key with any key. They must either have a master key, which is a key that comes with your car, or they must get into contact with an auto locksmith in order to get a car key made without needing the original key.
Can a Locksmith Program My Key Fob?
Auto locksmiths are able to handle every step required to program a key fob as they have experience with just about any type of key, including electronic ones. Professional locksmiths can replace your key fob, program your key fob, as well as perform any other key fob-related tasks. It will usually take a locksmith less than an hour to program your key fob, but depending on the model of your vehicle and the manufacturer, it could take more.
Do I Need to Contact the Dealership to Get a New Car Key?
A cheaper option is to call an auto locksmith who is able to reprogram a new car key for you without needing your original set of car keys. A piece of advice is to get quotes from your local locksmiths first, so you can decide which one is a better fit for your wallet. Sometimes, contacting a dealership to get a new set of car keys may result in them phoning a locksmith and up-charging you.