Many times, when a person loses their keys or changes properties, they believe the only solution to resolving the issue is in the form of new locks. While this is one way to go about it, it is recommended that you first weigh all your options before choosing the one that best suits your needs.
Not many people have heard about locks being able to be rekeyed or even what it entails. Therefore, many people don’t actually know that they are able to have their locks rekeyed, and that, sometimes, it is the more viable solution as opposed to having locks replaced.
If you happen to be in this predicament and are on the hunt for the best solution for you and your locksmith needs, continue reading this article to find out exactly what it means to rekey your locks and how Mobile Locksmith can help.
Table of Contents
What Is House Lock Rekey?
To rekey house locks refers to the changing of the already existing keys on a lock to a new one without having to change the lock. This is done by getting a new lockset for the door on which the lock has already been installed on.
Homeowners have the option of having the new lock be the same as the one previously installed or a different one entirely. You can even go as far as to choose a different brand, especially if it is one that offers a higher level of security.
There are many different factors that should be taken into consideration when determining the lock you want to replace your old lock with. Your budget, the features the new lock offers, and the reason for changing your lock in the first place are some examples.
Why and When Should You Rekey Your House Lock?
When deciding between residential rekeying or replacing locks, it is best to understand the different situations for which each is best suited. Homeowners should replace their locks when:
- The existing locks are either broken, damaged, malfunctioning, or worn out. There is no point getting locks rekeyed when they aren’t working as intended.
- If you are wanting to achieve a certain aesthetic for your property. Old locks that are not very aesthetically pleasing are better off being replaced.
- Homeowners that want to upgrade their security or change to digital locks.
- Those wanting a master key system for their residential property, as this only works when all the locks are the same brand or have the same type of keyway. Once all the different locks have been replaced, they can then be rekeyed to work using the same key.
On the other hand, homeowners should rekey their house locks when:
- They have lost control of their existing keys and are wanting to change them so that the key does not work on the same locks anymore. This is especially true when keys have been stolen or lost, or a homeowner wants to restrict access for someone who owns a pair.
- Another instance is when there are different keys for different locks of the same keyhole or brand, and homeowners are wanting them to all be operated using a single key. This is known as master keying.
Why and When Should You Rekey Your House Lock?
When deciding between residential rekeying or replacing locks, it is best to understand the different situations for which each is best suited. Homeowners should replace their locks when:
- The existing locks are either broken, damaged, malfunctioning, or worn out. There is no point getting locks rekeyed when they aren’t working as intended.
- If you are wanting to achieve a certain aesthetic for your property. Old locks that are not very aesthetically pleasing are better off being replaced.
- Homeowners that want to upgrade their security or change to digital locks.
- Those wanting a master key system for their residential property, as this only works when all the locks are the same brand or have the same type of keyway. Once all the different locks have been replaced, they can then be rekeyed to work using the same key.
On the other hand, homeowners should rekey their house locks when:
- They have lost control of their existing keys and are wanting to change them so that the key does not work on the same locks anymore. This is especially true when keys have been stolen or lost, or a homeowner wants to restrict access for someone who owns a pair.
- Another instance is when there are different keys for different locks of the same keyhole or brand, and homeowners are wanting them to all be operated using a single key. This is known as master keying.
How to Rekey a Lock?
If you hire a professional locksmith, then rekeying is definitely not as difficult as it sounds. The following steps are how professional locksmiths, such as Mobile Locksmith, will go about providing a home depot rekey service.
- The first thing we will do is remove your doorknob from the door.
- Next, we will remove the cylinder.
- Then, we will remove the C-clip that holds the cylinder in place.
- The fourth step requires us to attach the key plug.
- All the old pins in the plug will then be removed.
- New pins will then be inserted.
- The plug is then replaced.
- The doorknob is then reattached; once the cylinder has been reinserted.
- Lastly, our professionals will test the lock to ensure that everything is working accordingly.
How Long Does It Take to Rekey a Home Lock?
It depends on the type of lock, as well as the skill of the person doing the job. Generally, the most time-consuming part of the rekeying process is not the actual rekeying itself but rather the removal of the lock from the door.
How Much Does It Cost to Rekey a Home Lock?
When it comes to rekeying your home lock, doing it yourself is definitely not advisable. Simply watching a YouTube video and then attempting to rekey the lock yourself will almost always result in additional costs from damages and mistakes. Homeowners that are looking to save money or simply just want to ensure that they are making the best use of the locks already in place should look at hiring a reputable locksmith to change the locks in their home like Mobile Locksmith. If you want a more specific cost estimate, Mobile Locksmiths is more than happy to provide you with one relating to the residential rekeying you are requiring.
Factors That Influence the Cost to Rekey a Lock on House
Typically speaking, rekeying locks is usually more affordable than lock replacements; however, there following factors can still affect the overall cost to rekey a lock:
- Quantity of the locks
- Complexity of the locks
- The lock variation, and
- Included services
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Why Choose Us to Rekey Your House Locks?
Our professionals at Mobile Locksmith are able to provide a wide range of locksmith services and have the necessary expertise to advise you on the best type of lock and whether or not you need rekeying or replacement for your home.
We are a qualified locksmith and take pride in what we can offer you. It is not every day that you come across a locksmith that is licensed, has a Google guarantee, has outstanding customer reviews, and is insured and certified.
Call us today to talk to our professionals right away. We sympathize with what it feels like to be locked out of your house.
Main Areas We Serve in Flordia, Illinois, and Michigan:
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Should I Attempt to Rekey the Locks Myself?
You should not attempt to rekey a lock yourself without adequate knowledge of the rekeying process. This is because the lock can be easily damaged, and this may require you to change the whole lock instead, which will cost much more than rekeying. Hire a Mobile Locksmith for all your locksmith needs today!
Should I Rekey My Locks When I Move into a New House?
Rekeying the locks on your new home is always a good idea. Otherwise, you are not exactly sure who has access to your property and who doesn’t. The phrase for this is referred to as key control, and it is the ability to account for all of the keys to your new home and who has access to them.
How Long Does It Take to Rekey a Lock?
If the service is being performed by a professional. The amount of time it takes to rekey a home lock generally depends on the type of lock and the skill of the person performing the home rekeying service.
How Much Does It Cost to Rekey a Door Lock?
Calling the locksmith to your home, the number of locks in your home that need to be rekeyed, and the complexity and variation of each lock will bring you to a rekeying house cost total that may differ from one person to another. This is why it is important to get a locksmith cost rekey house estimate from your chosen locksmith.
Is It Cheaper to Rekey or Buy New Locks?
Rekeying the locks in your home is almost always the more affordable option as opposed to replacing a lock. The cheaper price is mainly due to the key pins that are found inside the locks; this is the only thing that is replaced when you rekey a lock. When you replace a lock, you are paying for all new parts.